The Brighton Whiteley Synthetic Cabaret Hour

Welcome to the world of synthetic cabaret – the cabaret phenomenon of the 21st century! Join host Brighton Whiteley, his extended family and special guests for a fun-packed evening of music, games and laughs. Featuring:
- Brighton Whiteley, the host. Brighton grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and fought his way into the glamorous world of show business. His development of the synthetic cabaret hour combines the floorshow of cabaret with synthesized renditions of classic songs.
- His father, Brian. Despite Brian’s rough exterior he really has a heart of gold. It’s only his eyes that give away his true age, which can get him in to trouble occasionally…
- His sister, Briony. Briony hit a fork in her life – should she study to be an opera singer or settle down and have a family? One thing if for sure, she’ll jump at any opportunity to get on to the stage.
- His nephew, Bradley. Bradley is 15, learning the guitar and destined to make a career in music – if his mum has anything to do with it, anyway.
- His brother-in-law, Bruce. Briony made Bruce promise to sing a song in the show if Bradley would play one. But Bruce works such long hours, will he even make it to the show before the end?
- His cousin, Boater. Based in the south of England, Boater is that jolly good sort of chap who doesn’t mind a good chat on the phone, especially to his antipodean cousin Brighton. Isn’t technology a splendid thing?
- And then there’s uncle Bartholomew, the maestro of the family. A enigma in black, Bartholomew is Bartholomew. He defies further description.
Songs, video, games and prizes, and the hilarious antics of Brighton’s family – a great night of entertainment with the Brighton Whiteley Synthetic Cabaret Hour.
** The show goes for at least two hours. It’s just the name. **
You're the Voice performed by Brighton Whiteley
Brighton Whiteley performing John Farnham's You're The Voice at the Rockin' for West Papua event, Sat 7 Oct at Lot 19, Castlemaine
Posted by The House of Andersen on Tuesday, 10 October 2017